 Photographer Ian Thrashmore:
 Location:  Leeds
 Rider:  Jamie Nicholls

"The dalik HQ rail got its name because it is next door to my house. Being on the way home from my local it had been the subject of many a drunken call over years without any snow. When the snow finally came in 2008, it was the first rail to be snowboarded on in Leeds and since then has become the most sessioned street rail in England. The top set of steps are normally used as a run in, making the bottom half of the rail a perfect training facility. With Jamie Nicholls having being tied up doing international dude boarding contests during the previous two big UK dumps, his presence this year made it certain that something special was going to go down. The full length of the rail had only been done once before and not filmed, so Jamie made the call to do it. Running in down an icy road and running a gauntlet of angry heroin addicts on crutches Jamie slayed it. Here he is with a back lip, sameway 270 out, one of three shots he got in just a couple of hours. Look out for the footage this autumn."

- Thrashmore