Words by: Joe Sexton and Jake OE and filmer Riley Erickson

We want to welcome you to 1817. Not long ago, a group of our snowboarding friends rented a place together in St. Paul, Minnesota on Ashland Avenue.  The house address was 1817. The roof over our heads wasn’t the only thing we shared. We were all crazy passionate about one thing: snowboarding!  So looking back, it is no surprise that during those early days in our rented house, The House of 1817 blog and the “Monday Minutes” were created. 
 The House of 1817 blog started as a place for us to share the stupid shit we’d do, party photos and anything else we felt like posting up. It soon turned into a community of people who loved snowboarding and the House of #1817.  Pretty soon lots of people, including ourselves, were drawing, scribing and spray painting the letters 1817 on everything imaginable.
 “Monday Minutes” started when John Hodge (Kenwood Mansion) said, “Why don’t we film our snowboarding for a minute today and post it on the blog?” We did, and with Riley Erickson’s (Videograss) vision, “Monday Minutes” grew into 87 edits and nearly 1 million all-time views.
 The small following we started with, quickly grew and became something bigger without us even realizing it. Kids from all over the world started sending us 1817 artwork and other 1817 creative pieces. 1817 started to grow into a community of people who had never met but wanted to share their passion for snowboard edits.
 In 2013, we added a clothing line to 1817 as our fashion outlet. We’ve always been into all things creative and being 100% in control of a fashion line was a dream come true. Since our early days of thrift store hunting for funky gems and trends we had thought about starting a clothing line.

Our biggest focus at 1817 is having 100% control over what we do.  We look at what the snowboard industry is lacking and we use 1817 as an outlet to rebel and create the things we care most about in snowboarding.
 For the 2016/17 season we are staying true to that 100% control and putting our main focus back into creating two web series. This year we are introducing the “Ghoul Series” as a supplement to the “Monday Minutes.” “The Ghoul Series” will be a more rider specific video project. There are plenty more creative projects already in the works so please follow us to see them develop. 

1817 Website

FOLLOW @1817_ on instagram for more information and updates as well as the hash tag #1817park.