Satellite Boardshop's Full Movie 'Disconnect'

Disconnect in order to reconnect. Evolve enlighten educate. This is Satellite with a 15 year retrospective with their team. Looking back at some sick ass shots.

Featuring Ian Boll, Chase Blackwell, Austin Gregory, Hunter Frutchey, Max Bigley, Austin Julik-Hiene ,Steve Lauder, Jackson Fowler and Justin Phipps.

Produced by Drew Herder

Thanks to everyone who made this a possibility.

Filmed by: Brendan Barry, Zach Rawles, Nate & Bryan Cordero, UKC, Drew Herder, Jon Stark, Ian Boll, Ryan Sheetz, Alex & Brandon Kirkland, Ryan Arrington, James Hill, Seamus Foster, WARP WAVE, Grey Thompson, Sam Tuor, Seth Hill, Reece Bolin, Ryan Phipps.