That's Pretty Much What Happened by Gnu

Ever wonder what it's like to street snowboard in heavy Alaskan snow storm? Check out "That's Pretty Much What Happened" a rad short film by Gnu squad.

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© Tim Zimmerman  - Brendan Sullivan caught speeding

Logy B. and Al G. grabbed a small herd of Gnus and headed up North to the Gnu Country hinterlands aka Anchorage Alaska to sample dry pow, cold steel, public art and metropolitan pillow stacks. It was heavy snowfall after heavy snowfall in this historically heavily documented city. Brendan Sullivan, Peter Cerulo and Derek Conti needed to come up with a fresh take on what to do with a lot of fresh snow and "That's Pretty Much What Happened". 

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© Tim Zimmerman - Derek Conti found some street pillows

Edit: Logy B.
Filmed by: Logy and Grogü
Devil / Angel: Logy with help from Esteé and Gus
Photos: Tim Zimmerman and the crew

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© Tim Zimmerman  - socialism