Shoulda Gone Skating

Don't believe everything you read, especially not the caption of this clip. This is easily one of the best park edits of the year and E-Man's Nollie Nosepress at the end will restore your faith in humanity and make this life seem worthwile after all. Feat: MarkGoodall JedSky DavidJoncas MaryRand BenPeochman KazuKokubo KaiUjejski ColinDwatt RobPicard? Kyle... BrodeyWolfe TimCrighton JonMartin MarcusRand ColterHeard MattHeneghan GordonHall DiabetesMostWanted(AKA KodyYakisoba) NicHeringa NickElliott RobjnTaylor LucioMajer JodyWachniak KodyWilliams MikeSenger EmanAnderson