RIP Noah Salasnek, 1970-2017

R.I.P. To a true original - a master of style who changed the way we look at snowboarding. A ripper of all disciplines, with iconic pokes to match unfathomable descents. A rider who knew almost three decades ago what many still seek to prove today: style is most important. Noah’s authentic approach to snowboarding will continue to shine on - through his video parts, the photographs, the memories of snowboarders across the globe and the vast influence he leaves with us - as a prime example of passion. Our appreciation cannot be overstated. 

Rest easy, Noah.

Here are some throwbacks to the man that influenced the style of snowboarding today...

 Noah's "Totally Board" 2 Part:


Pocahontas-Mack Dawg Productions Full Movie:


Powder and Rails: Noah Salasnek:

