Midas - Max Zebe and Sebi Springeth

King Midas is popularly remembered in Greek mythology for his ability to turn everything he touched into gold. This came to be called the golden touch, or the Midas touch.
According to the myth, Midas found the wandering Silenus, the satyr and companion of the god Dionysus. For his kind treatment of Silenus Midas was rewarded by Dionysus with a wish. The king wished that all he touched might turn to gold, but when his food became gold and he nearly starved to death as a result, he realized his error. Dionysus then granted him release by having him bathe in the Pactolus River, an action to which the presence of alluvial gold in that stream is attributed.

Anyways...this is a street edit featuring two bosses on boards, Max Zebe and Sebi Springeth and we greatly enjoyed it.

A short video filmed during a 2 weeks trip in Czech Republic.

Filmed and edited by Stefano Bergamaschi.