Reset - Ful movie

"Reset" from French Fragrance doesn't disappoint! Some of the finest boarding from the streets of Quebec.

Featuring: Frank Bélanger, Seb Picard, David Tourigny, Phil Carpentier and Westley Willyam 

Cameos: Phil Couture and Emile Prudhomme 

Filmed by: Phil Carpentier, Gabriel Lariviere, Ulysse Dubé Burelle, Raphaël Sévigny, Yoan Charlebois, and Dr. Errol Elli

Edited by: Phil Carpentier and Ulysse Dubé Burelle 

Graphic Design: Phil Couture 

Produced by: Gab Bélanger 

Supported by: Salomon, Empire, and Souvenir