Ride Snowboards - 'See You Soon'

Step into Ride Snowboards street adventure through 'see you soon', a preview of their upcoming European movie: RADAR. This video offers a sneak peek into the
excitement that awaits. Packed with clips that didn't make the final cut but are too good to be kept hidden. Get ready because the official RADAR Trailer drops on September 26th. See you soon!

Featuring: Dario Burch, Louis Labertrande, Jonathan Begley, Pierre Scafidi, Nicolas Palladio, Kristian Skjømming, Bastien Sturma, and Wouter Groot
Filmed by: Guillaume Sturma, Lionel Simon
Edited by: Guillaume Sturma
Photos by: Bastien Sturma
Directed by: Brust Studio
Produced by: Ride Snowboards