Drake Snowboarding Presents | TAO OF DRAKE - Part Two

Part two of the #TaoOfDrake video series documents 3 men and 3 women from The Drake Snowboarding team during a one week trip in the Czech Republic. The crew featured here are all shredding identical Drake snowboard setups, with each rider bringing their own unique flavour to the project.

FEATURING: Jake Simpson, Nata Sanchez, Fil DeMartin, Paula Benito, Joe Simpson & Valeria Bartual

The “Tao of Drake” meaning quite literally the “Balance of Drake”. Not only is it the title for this video series but also for one of their uni-sex snowboards. Most importantly it stands as a very important statement for their brand moving forward.

It represents their current commitment towards establishing the balance between women and men within their snowboard team and within their brand, with their primary goal of a paid pro snowboard team of 50% Men and 50% women by December 2025.

The "Tao Of Drake" unisex snowboard is available now at all good board stores or via:

FILMED & EDITED: The Simpson Brothers
GRAPHICS: Francesco Zoppei
THANKS: Wenna & Family

Check out more about the board here: