Kyle Schwartz did it again! After presenting to the snowboard community a piece of the mind of Travis Parker and Mike Basich, Kyle picked up his mic and camera again to let us step into Kevin Jones's world. And what an honor it is to have Kevin share his thoughts, visions and takes on snowboarding in his past, present and future. The pure and simple format of the film, will lead you on a journey that goes beyond the outdoor boarding, hiking, jibbing and camping Kevin and Pat Moore experience in it. So cheers to that and thanks Kevin for reminding us what is the essence of it all...

A film by Kyle Schwartz.

"The Great Digression is a short film series about getting to know the people we look up to and admire in snowboarding, legends, young bloods, and seasoned veterans alike. It's a temporary departure from the main subject, told through thoughts, ideas, art, and advice. Humanizing these beloved characters with relevant and relatable life curve balls that go beyond the snow, but always returning to the main subject that bonds us together. The outcome of each episode is intended to provoke positivity through our common struggles as human beings. I personally owe so much to snowboarding and its community, for it has given me purpose and endless passion. The Great Digression film series is my way of giving back to a community that has given me so much. I'm really excited for the journey it takes us all on. Thank you for taking the time to check it out."
- Kyle Schwartz