Wasted Talent Present "Alfred"

A collaboration between Arthur Longo and our good friends over at Wasted Talent, this is Alfred.

Filmed by Olivier Gittler and Jon Ray.

Edited by Robin Pailler.

"My Name is Arthur Longo. But everybody calls me Alfred". 

Ain’t cross disciplinary learning the most beautiful of things? And none more so than encapsulated by the mutual appreciation, nay, coy admiration that the entire ‘boardsports community’ (cringe!) has for a certain Mr Arthur Longo. 

But first, some context - for snowboarding is a delicate scene. Pushed so deep into the underground the core became molten lava. But the renaissance is blooming! Despite the distinct barriers to entry of whole union of binding companies to deal with and a strictly enforced rule of beanie wearing 24/7. 

So it is with bowed heads and deep respect we made our way to the alps. To Arthur’s new adopted home of Chamonix. What you can’t read in this text is Arthur’s demeanour. He’s animated. Lively. Laughs in between sentences. A true conversationist. 

Days spent riding the resort and learning more about the man himself. 

Introducing, Alfred. 

"I get so excited about Snowboarding. The sensation I get is an energy like nothing else. There’s the rare moments in season where I feel I can snowboard how I really want. This board control, you’re on point with your speed, trajectory, landings - pop.

I get this flow state.

I’m in love."

- Arthur Longo